Types of Guests

Sara N

Last Update 2 years ago

In Letsmeet, we categorize the meeting guests in different ways. Let's go over the different categories, their main characteristics, and how they're displayed on our platform!

Letsmeet guests

As you might be thinking, these are users that are already registered and have an active account in Letsmeet. The advantage of these types of guests is that we already have access to their calendars; therefore, their availability. This makes planning meetings way easier!

Letsmeet Guests will allow us to use the known availability, as shown in the example below:

Non-Letsmeet guests

These are users that haven't created an account in Letsmeet yet, which means we don't have access to their calendars. For these guests, we send an email to check their availability. 

Link guests

We know that on some occasions meeting hosts don't have access to all their attendees' email addresses. This is not a problem at all, since you can add a name (full or partial) or even a nickname. Once the meeting form is submitted, Letsmeet will generate a link that can be shared with the participants through the channel where you normally get in touch with them (it can be Slack, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, etc...) 

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